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Adding New Location-Specific Credentials for Integrated Suppliers
Adding New Location-Specific Credentials for Integrated Suppliers

How to add suppliers to different locations.

Chinthana from CUT+DRY avatar
Written by Chinthana from CUT+DRY
Updated over a week ago

If you have one set of online ordering credentials across all of your locations, all of your Order Guides will be synced and you can ignore the following steps.

If you have separate online ordering credentials for each of your Locations, you will need to add each of them to your Supplier.

Login to with the same credentials you use for the app.

Select Suppliers, then select the Supplier you wish to add credentials for.

Some Integrated Suppliers only require a Customer Code.

Enter each location's specific code.

Select + Add another account for Integrated Suppliers that

require online credentials.

Input your Supplier Online User Name and Password along with the location that is associated with and Save.

In a few minutes, your Order Guides for this Location will be added to

the Place Order page.

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